22.09.2016 WG meeting + 23.09.2016 site visits to innovative SMEs
Venue: Croatian Chamber of Economy, County Chamber Osijek,
Europske avenije 13, 31 000 Osijek, Croatia
Language: English
Given the complexity of the tasks of the Priority Area 8, it is imperative to set up Working Groups. Its role is to reveal, synthesize and present concrete projects, which are in line with the targets set for the Danube Region Strategy by Priority Area 8.
Working Groups of PA 8 are established as open groups without fixed membership. Therefore stakeholders, experts and project promoters took the chance to join the meeting and to contribute with experiences, initiatives and proposals. The joint meeting of 3 working groups was also an excellent opportunity to get latest news on the implementation of EUSDR, on given funding opportunities and participants got the chance to meet potential project partners.
Jürgen Raizner presented Danube-INCO.NET as a co-ordinated support action to implement EUSDR in strengthening competitiveness and promoting research and Innovation. Being project Partner in Danube-INCO.NET and in same time co-leader of Working Group Innovation and Technology Transfer he explained that major challenge is to develop suitable projects. Funding opportunities are given. Networking is going on. The way from a project idea to an succesful application is the challenge. Danube Strategy Point, Priority Area Coordinators help – as well as Steinbeis Donau Zentrum.
Joint Agenda of Working Groups
10:30 – 13:00
- Welcome by the three working group leaders
- Danube Transfer Centers – Steinbeis Europe Center, Baden-Württemberg
- LEEN – Learning Energy Efficiency Networks – Information about the projects in Serbia and outlook to Croatia and Romania – Mirko Krück, Baden-Württemberg
- Development of a sustainable bioenergy market in Serbia and Bioenergy-Partnership Baden-Württemberg – Serbia – Tanja Popovicki, GIZ, Serbia / Germany
- Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar EU project activities in EE and RES – Matija Vajdic, EIHP, Croatia
- Project ideas for the DR networking and successful partnerships – Marin Miletic, EIHP, Croatia
- Priority Areas Cross-fertilisation perspective on Innovation and Technology Transfer – Steinbeis Europe Center, Baden-Württemberg
- Danube-INCO.NET – Jürgen Raizner, Steinbeis-Donau-Zentrum, Baden-Württemberg
Opening and Welcome Addresses
10:00 – 10:30
- Mr Mikel Čivljak, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts, Zagreb, Croatia
- EU Commission, DG REGIO,
- Danube Stategy Point Brussels,
PACs: Dr Hans Peter Herdtlischka, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany and Ms Dragica Karajić, Croatia
Afternoon sessions
14:00 – 16:00
The 3 Working Groups organise individual events in paralel. Main topics:
- Targets of the Working Group
- Road Map
- Strategic Projects
Plenary Session + Closing Day 1
16:15 -18:00
- Reporting by 3 Working Group leaders on 1st DAY meeting conclusions
- Technical Assistance facilities for EUSDR projects preparation – DSP Brussels
- Financing opportunities for EUSDR PA8 projects within INTERREG Programme
- Conclusions, Wrap up of Day 1
Networking DinnerDay 2: 23.09.2016; 9:00 – 17:00
Organised guided on the field visit focused on innovative enterprises issues and entrepreneurial supporting institution in the framework of environmental opportunities that could be turned into entrepreneurial innovative activities. An attractive cultural program was included.