SCLG Dubai 2023

Global Supply Chain and Logistics Summit

“Navigating the Future:

Innovation and Strategic Partnerships for a Changing World,” 

Dubai, 23.11.2023

Steinbeis Team Juergen Raizner and Roxana Boboruta were invited to attend recent Global Supply Chain and Logistic Summit in Dubai. In his key note speech Juergen Raizner presented insight on innovation and strategic partnerhips in a changing world.

The current global landscape is marked by unprecedented challenges, ranging from climate change to geopolitical shifts. This complexity underscores the urgent need for innovation and international collaboration, particularly in the logistics and supply chain sector. This article encourages stakeholders in the logistics and supply chain sector to invest in R&D, embrace technological advancements, and cultivate international collaborations. By doing so, they can transform challenges into opportunities, ensuring not only survival but also thriving in an ever-changing world.

Understanding the Need for Change. The logistics and supply chain sector, a cornerstone of global commerce, faces the imperative to evolve in response to emerging realities. But the critical question remains: what changes are necessary? The Steinbeis Network, a globally active technology transfer provider based in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, offers insights. With over 11 million inhabitants, Baden-Wuerttemberg invests 5.64% of its GDP in R&D, focusing on market and demand-oriented initiatives. This investment has proven vital in developing solutions for contemporary issues and preparing for future challenges.

Embracing Technology and Innovation. A key outcome of continuous R&D is the development of cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and blockchain. These technologies have revolutionized logistics, enabling real-time tracking, predictive analytics, and enhanced supply chain transparency. Moreover, there’s a growing emphasis on optimizing traditional transport methods, such as retrofitting ships with new propulsion systems and equipping trucks for autonomous driving.

The Renewable Energy Transition. The shift towards renewable energy sources poses both challenges and opportunities for supply chains, leading to higher energy costs and the need for reliable energy storage and grid management solutions. This transition opens avenues for innovation, especially for technology-oriented companies. To maintain competitiveness, companies without in-house research capabilities must access external knowledge sources. In Germany, the Steinbeis network, with its 1,100 technology transfer centers, provides such a resource, enabling German companies to sustain their international market leadership.

Case in Point: Green Hydrogen Production. A prime example of innovation is in the field of green hydrogen production. Developing more efficient electrolysis methods to enhance production capacities is a significant technological hurdle, but overcoming it is crucial for sustainable energy solutions.

International Collaborations and Partnerships. The potential of new technologies extends beyond national borders. For instance, green hydrogen production can create sustainable export opportunities for many countries to Germany and Europe. Recent initiatives like the Black Sea Energy Submarine Cable, connecting Azerbaijan-Georgia with Romania-Hungary, exemplify how new partnerships can unlock regional potentials, such as the Caspian-EU green corridor.

Supply Chain & Logistic Group:

“This summit held annually in Dubai is now acknowledged as the biggest and the most informative thought leadership conference for supply chain and logistics industry in Middle East, Asian subcontinent, Turkey, Central & East Europe and Africa region.”

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The SCLG Summit 2022. Our first participation. Review:

SCLS Dubai

Strategic International Roles. Countries like Germany, Romania, and Ukraine play distinct yet complementary roles in this evolving landscape. Germany, as a powerhouse of innovation, drives supply chain advancements through its commitment to R&D and technology. Romania, strategically positioned as the gateway to Europe, leverages its location and growing infrastructure for logistics. Ukraine, despite current challenges, emerges as a hub of resilience and potential, offering opportunities for innovative logistics solutions. These countries actively seek and welcome international partnerships that align with their strategic priorities, fostering mutual growth, innovation, and economic development.

Conclusion. In a world characterized by unpredictability and complexity, the future of logistics and supply chain management hinges on embracing innovation and forging strategic partnerships. These alliances are crucial for navigating global challenges, creating avenues for shared growth, and propelling the sector towards a sustainable and resilient future.